Kaleidoscope Interventions is a subsidiary of Puzzle Box Academy. Kaleidoscope Interventions clinics are located within Puzzle Box Academy to provide therapy services to children attending Puzzle Box Academy’s private school program. Although in-clinic therapy services are not provided during the school day at Puzzle Box Academy, there is consistent collaboration and behavior support provided by the behavior analysts of Kaleidoscope Interventions during school. This allows Puzzle Box Academy to provide schooling to students who may need additional therapeutic assistance and behavior support. We believe children with autism and other developmental delays deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Puzzle Box Academy provides a variety of educational services using a scientifically-based teaching approach called the Morningside Model of Generative Instruction. All classrooms at Puzzle Box Academy are homogeneously grouped based on academic need rather than grade level or age alone. Click here for more information on Puzzle Box Academy.