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ABLLS-R and Essentials for Living

By March 13, 2022No Comments

Two assessments commonly used by Kaleidoscope Interventions are the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Revised (ABLLS-R) and the Essentials for Living (EFL) at our Palm Bay location. The ABLLS-R assessment focuses more on verbal behavior and builds up a client’s language repertoire, both expressively and receptively. This assessment is utilized with the younger clients and clients whose main goals are on increasing their verbal/vocal language abilities. The EFL assessment focuses on various daily living, self-care, communication, and self-help skills that are needed to function independently in life. This assessment splits up these skills into three sections of ‘must-have skills’, ‘should-have skills’, and ‘good-to-have skills’ which allows clinicians to focus on the important skills first to ensure that our clients will be able to function as independently as possible later in life.